Tuesday, February 28, 2012

If Hitler were alive, he would retire there.

If you were to mention the word New Zealand to anyone, all they can think of is a stress-free environment with beautiful scenery and a good quality of life. Well, that's true if you have a white skin. On the other hand, if you're Asian especially ethnic Chinese, don't bother visiting that redneck country, don't consider wasting your money by trying to migrate there and most of all, don't buy anything from New Zealand. There have been huge rampants of complaints of racism from Asians who have gone there even on a temporary basis. The most common problem they have is with the pakehas (i.e. whiteys) as the Maoris have called them.
While it is politically incorrect to use racial slurs in countries like Canada or the US, it is very common for Asians to have racial slurs and physical garbage thrown at them from these sick and ugly albinos. (Well, they are actually very sick and ugly on the inside.) And what do these palefaces think of Asians who have migrated there? These rednecks have only two answers:
(1) These Asians are migrating to New Zealand to get away from the 'ills' of their own country and are going to bring these 'ills' to their backward country.
(2) These Asian migrants are going to their watershed country to take away jobs from their lazy and stupid paleface population.
And what about all those obnoxious Kiwis who waltz freely into Asia to make money. It's perfectly all right for them. It's always a one-way street. If there are any anti-semites reading this, you have found a bunch of ugly rednecks who are much, much worse - and, yes, they really have ugly features on the outside as well.
It has gotten so very bad that the Chinese in Chinatown are forced to speak English in order to 'assimilate' with these Asian-hating pakehas.
If you're a tourist without a white skin, don't bother to visit that sick country. You'll only be greeted with racial slurs and hateful words. They want Asian money but they do not want to see Asians in their country. You'll only be wasting your tourist money on a bunch of rednecks who hate you for what you are.
As for the Asian countries which trade with this redneck country, they should seriously reconsider diverting their imports elsewhere - to countries where they treat Asians as human beings. China should consider this - after all, China is New Zealand's largest export market and these albino Kiwis just love to hate the Chinese - including those who are born there while exporting their inferior dairy products to China.
By the way, does anybody remember a mongrel Kiwi by the name of Winston Peters. He founded the New Zealand First Party, an anti-Asian immigrant political party. (They have no qualms about whiteys migrating to NZ, just Asians) He was extremely vocal about his anti-Asian views to the point that the editorial of the Wall Street Journal wrote a negative article about him. But when he became Deputy Prime Minister, this hypocrite went on a tour in Asia to promote trade. Some patriot should have shot him to death for even setting foot on Asian ground.
And what should we do about the Kiwis who have trespassed on our land? We should take it upon ourselves to protect our land from thses albinos. Does anybody know that the 2nd wealthiest man in Singapore is a Kiwi. Well, its time for some patriot(s) to beat the hell out of him and send him back to NZ on a one-way ticket. And what about the Australia and New Zealand Society. Their office would be a great place to test your improvised explosive devices (IEDs). Maybe, somebody could get tne namelist of their members and get rid of them. Either way, these Kiwis should get the message: You want Asians out of NZ, we Asians want you Kiwis out of Asia and want nothing to do with NZ including trade.


  1. You want to bomb Kiwis? Redneck? Albinos? Palefaces? Sorry....who's racist?

    1. Thank you. This guy is not only wrong but a raging racist and a fool.

  2. From multicultural festivals to pronouncements from political leaders, the message is the same: our differences make us stronger.

    But a massive new study, based on detailed interviews of nearly 30,000 people across America, has concluded just the opposite.

    According to conflict theory, distrust between the ethnic groups will rise with diversity, but not within a group. In contrast, contact theory proposes that distrust will decline as members of different ethnic groups get to know and interact with each other. Putnam describes people of all races, sex, socioeconomic statuses, and ages as "hunkering down," avoiding engagement with their local community—both among different ethnic groups and within their own ethnic group. Even when controlling for income inequality and crime rates, two factors which conflict theory states should be the prime causal factors in declining inter-ethnic group trust, more diversity is still associated with less communal trust.

    Lowered trust in areas with high diversity is also associated with:

    Lower confidence in local government, local leaders and the local news media.
    Lower political efficacy – that is, confidence in one's own influence.
    Lower frequency of registering to vote, but more interest and knowledge about politics and more participation in protest marches and social reform groups.
    Higher political advocacy, but lower expectations that it will bring about a desirable result.
    Less expectation that others will cooperate to solve dilemmas of collective action (e.g., voluntary conservation to ease a water or energy shortage).
    Less likelihood of working on a community project.
    Less likelihood of giving to charity or volunteering.
    Fewer close friends and confidants.
    Less happiness and lower perceived quality of life.
    More time spent watching television and more agreement that "television is my most important form of entertainment".

  3. To Dave: You're probably too retarded to read the words 'one-way street' in my blog. How do you think I came up with this blogspot? I have 2 friend who were stupid enough to migrate there and yes, there were whiteys throwing trash and shouting racial slurs at them. But as far as you're concerned this isn't racism. You'd just look the other way when Asians are racially attacked by palefaces. Your type only cares about the safety of your own race. Never do your kind think that it's about time racism became a two-way street.
    By the way, there's an English language teacher in Singapore who's referring to his Singaporean Chinese students as yellow monkeys. Should I
    1. Kill him
    2. pepper spray him and beat him up with a steel baton
    3. have him reported to the authorities and they'll be kind enough to buy him a one-way ticket back to his shithole island in Europe?

  4. I was prepared to take your passage seriously, thinking you were someone intelligent raising an important issue on the subject of race. But now I realise your attitude is no worse than what you ridicule. You just reply to the problem in kind by spewing your own racism and ignorance. I accept most of what you are saying about racism, and there are plenty of reasonable explanations for why it's like this, however you yourself are just part of the problem. Instead of taking on this issue objectively, you promote this stupid "I know you are, but what am I?" rhetoric by replying to racism with racism. Idiot.

  5. Hope this message is spread in New Zealand cos I hate Asians moving here. You guys suck balls move back to your own freaking country.

  6. Heyyy!!! There are heaps of stupid Asians in New Zealand, and no New Zealanders in China, why would we want to go there anyway- full of idiots and ugly culture

  7. Lol that is funny hearing a new Zealander slamming another culture when there is none of their own, simply rugby and beer and a lot of very rude aholes. Can't wait to leave.
